Baltic Event Co-Production Market Rules and Regulations

The annual Baltic Event Co-Production Market (hereinafter Market) aims to promote audiovisual works from countries with low production capacity that are member states of the European Union, or countries participating in the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme, particularly the small and medium-sized film enterprises from the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, and Ukraine (hereinafter Region). Its main goal is to provide opportunities for financing, co-production, promotion and distribution of projects originating from countries listed above. It also strives to increase competitiveness and facilitate networking between the Region and the world and promote local filmmaking professionals, opportunities and service providers.

Feature-length fiction and animation film projects from the aforementioned countries of the Region and the Focus Country of the year (Germany in 2024) are eligible for submission. For the children and youth film section, we are additionally welcoming feature-length documentaries. Particular attention will be paid to the projects that intend to use AI in the creation process.

Projects from other countries are also eligible if they are looking for co-production with an eligible country mentioned above.

In 2024, up to 15 projects will be selected for the Baltic Event Co-Production Market, including the children and youth film section. We are looking for full-length fiction and animation film projects in development. For the children and youth film section, we are also welcoming documentaries with duration of more than 70 minutes. Projects that intend to use generative AI in the creation process are welcome. A separate PDF with an explanation of the intended use of generative AI is to be submitted during the application process.

In order for a Project to qualify, it has to meet all of the following conditions.



Representatives of selected Projects are subject to a discounted Participation Fee:

Projects presented at Co-Production Market are welcome, once in production / post-production / or completed, to be submitted to the Works in Progress sections of the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event, or competition programs of the Black Nights Film Festival.
By submitting an Application, the Applicant agrees to all Conditions stated in the Rules and Regulations. The application deadline is July 15, 2024.

Since 2021, Baltic Event Co-Production Market has a partnership with Film London Production Financing Market (PFM) – one Project selected for the Baltic Event will have the chance to participate in PFM the next year. The selection of the project will be made in collaboration with the PFM management. Please read more about the PFM here.

The Applicant guarantees that it holds the rights relating to the Film Project for which the Application is being submitted. In case the Project has numerous producers, they have to elect one producer to represent them in relations with the Baltic Event Co-Production Market and serve as the Applicant regarding these Regulations.

In case the Applicant is the author of the Film Project, and it is a case of a project co-authorship, the Applicant is required to possess settled property relations over the Film Project, as well as an authorization of representation from the other authors. The competent law for regulating copyrights related to these Regulations is the Law on Copyright of the Republic of Estonia.

After the submission period for Applications, the management of the Baltic Event Co-Production Market will begin considering all the received Applications. In case the Application is in accordance with the instructions and conditions issued by Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management the application is to be considered as properly submitted.

All properly filled and complete Applications shall be reviewed by the Selection Committee appointed by Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management. The Selection Committee consists of five people – an active producer with international co-production experience, an international sales agent, a senior festival executive, a market representative, and a script consultant. The Selection Committee shall evaluate the Projects through different angles in their artistic, financial, and marketing capacities in accordance with these Regulations.

The main selection criteria for the Baltic Event Co-Production Market are an appealing story for international markets, the filmography of the director (as our objective is to promote new talent), the experience of the producer (to successfully carry out the project), and the ability of the Baltic Event Co-Production Market team to find suitable parties to finance, co-produce, and sell the project. The Applicant must agree that Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event shall have the right to monitor the Project regularly throughout their production and distribution.

The final selection of the Projects will be made in September, and all the applicants will be notified of the results prior to the public announcement. As Industy@Tallinn & Baltic Event has adopted the Gender Equality Policy, our selection committees and juries will be gender balanced, and our project selections will be gender balanced insofar as the applications submitted to us meet our other criteria. The Applicant agrees by submitting the Application that the Selection Committee (composed as previously stated) and/or the management of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event will adjudicate in matters concerning the Application and that the Applicant renounces the right for further appeal.

The Baltic Event Co-Production Market presents the following awards (not conclusive, additional Awards may be added):

The awards are presented by an international jury. By submitting an Application, the Applicant confirms the indisputability of the authority of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management to arrange the juries for the aforementioned awards, and therefore the Applicant renounces the right to dispute the outcome of the vote and the presented awards. Presenters of the awards may conclude separate contracts with the winners if the use of the award has specific conditions.
*Please see the eligibility and selection criteria here


Each Applicant that gets chosen to participate in the Baltic Event Co-Production Market is required to cooperate with the employees and persons of responsibility of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event during the entire course and in all respective phases of the event.

In case the Applicant violates, without justification, any of the obligations stated in Rules and Regulations, which they had accepted by submitting the Application Form, the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management may disqualify the Applicant from further participation in the Baltic Event Co-Production Market upon which the Applicant loses the right to apply for participation in Baltic Event Co-Production Market during the following year as well.

Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event as the industry platform of the Tallinn Black Nights Festival is committed to promoting gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work and programmes, including the Baltic Event Co-Production Market. We believe that everyone should have equal opportunities to participate in our events and activities, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or other personal characteristics.

We are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment that values diversity and promotes mutual respect and understanding. We promote gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work, including the planning, organisation, and delivery of events and activities, and believe that diversity is a strength and that everyone should have equal opportunities to participate in our events and activities.

We expect all participants in our events and activities to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to refrain from any behaviour that is discriminatory, harassing, or offensive. This includes but is not limited to behaviour that is based on a person's gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or other personal characteristics. We will not tolerate any behaviour that violates our policy and reserve the right to take appropriate action, including expulsion from the event.

In the event the Applicant’s Film Project is approved for the Baltic Event Co-Production Market, the Applicant guarantees the following:


The Applicant guarantees that all the presented information in the submitted application is correct. Regarding all matters not expressly settled by these Regulations, the current regulations of Estonia and its entities and good business practices are to be applied. Any amendments and supplements to these Regulations shall be made by Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management. By submitting an Application, the Applicant agrees to all provisions of these Regulations. These Regulations come into effect from the day of their publishing on the webpage, and are effective beginning on the 1st of May 2024.

Approved by Marge Liiske,
Head of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event