Eurimages Co-Production Development Award eligibility and selection criteria

Baltic Event Co-Production Market

Eurimages Co-Production Development Award

Among the projects invited to participate in the Baltic Event Co-Production Market, only those that meet the following criteria shall be deemed eligible for the Award:

A production company is considered eligible if it is independent and majority owned and continues to be majority owned, either directly or indirectly, by nationals of the Eurimages member States (including associate members). Legal entities which are not able to show the composition of their shareholding are not eligible. A production company is considered independent when less than 25% of its share capital is held by a single audiovisual media service provider or less than 50% where several audiovisual media service providers are involved. Independence and ownership are verified up to the third level above the applying company.

The documents that will be made available to Eurimages to confirm the eligibility of projects in relation to the award will include:


The jury will select the project on the basis of its artistic quality (synopsis and treatment or script if available as well as other audiovisual materials), the potential impact of the Award for the development of the project and its prospects of becoming and remaining an international co-production involving at least two member States of the Fund.

Plans for implementing sustainable measures to reduce the environmental impact of the development and co-production of the project will also be taken into account. In the event of disagreement within the jury, the final decision will be taken by the Eurimages representative with regard to the winner of the Eurimages Co-production Development Award.