Join WIFTI Talks: Statistics, Monsters and How to Do Diversity

How can we create a diverse and sustainable film industry? The Embassy of Sweden in Tallinn is hosting WIFTI Talks this Sunday – three European researchers will share their perspectives.

In three 10-minute talks followed by a panel discussion with filmmakers, Valeria Villegas Lindvall (University of Gothenburg), Elen Lotman (Tallinn University) and Dr. Lina Kaminskaitė-Jančoreinė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre) will cover grounds from the importance of using statistics and transparency to how monsters in film can have an impact on gender hierarchies. The discussion is moderated by Helene Granqvist, President of WIFT International.

The event will be hosted by Swedish Ambassador Mikael Eriksson.

The Embassy will also offer drinks and snacks after the talks.

Please register for the event via e-mail

Established by Women in Film & Television International, the WIFTI Talks are a series of live and online talks to crack the nut of how to make the film industry more gender-balanced. With international scholars from gender, media and film studies field, we gather knowledge, different perspectives and daring ideas on how to address inequality that might lead us even beyond gender and film.

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