Works in Progress Rules & Regulations



Projects will be presented from November 21 to 22, 2024 in Tallinn in the following sections:

Before submitting, please read carefully the Rules and Regulations; and make sure that your project matches the following eligibility criteria:

Just Film WIP

The applicants who want to participate in the Works in Progress with a film project, which will be in line with the above stated requirements, must provide the following information in the application via online submission form:

Special conditions:


The producers and directors are entitled to apply for the Works in Progress presentations with full-length fiction film projects that will be in production or post-production stage by the moment of presentations.
Projects will be presented on-site from November 21 to 22 in Tallinn. The audience of the Works in Progress consists mainly of professional buyers, festival programmers, film financiers and sales agents.

For a film project to qualify for admission to Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event Works in Progress, it must meet the following conditions:

The selection committee reserves the right to evaluate eligible projects for the Works in Progress section on a case by case basis.

Project submission opens on August 15, 2024. Applicants are requested to submit their project and supplementary materials via the online submissions page by September 16, 2024. The management reserves the right to refuse late submissions.

The applicants who want to participate in the Works in Progress with a film project which will be in line with the above stated requirements, must provide the following documentation fully attached to the application via online submission form:

All properly filled and complete applications will be reviewed by the Selection Committee composed of experts appointed by the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management. The main selection criteria for the projects are the artistic quality of the material, originality, and international appeal of the story.
The final selection will be announced by mid-October directly to the participants as well as communicated further via the festival / industry press, and will be presented during three sessions:

Only scenes from the film (1-2 scenes, up to 10 minutes altogether) can be presented at the Works in Progress sessions; we do not accept teasers or trailers.


By submitting the Application, the Applicant agrees that Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management and/or the Selection Committee will adjudicate in matters concerning the Application and that the Applicant renounces the right for further appeal.

Studio Beep, a well-established full-service sound post-production house based in Prague, presents the Best Project Award to the jury’s choice of the best project in the Baltic Event and the International Works in Progress sections.
The award consists of 6000 euros worth of services by Studio Beep together with 1000 euros travel allowance.

The awards are presented by an international jury, composed of film industry professionals.

By submitting an Application, the Applicant confirms the indisputability of the authority of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management to arrange the jury for the aforementioned awards and therefore the Applicant renounces the right to dispute about the outcome of the vote and presented awards.

The Applicant guarantees that it holds the rights relating to the Project, for which the Application is being submitted. In case the Project has numerous producers they amongst themselves must elect one producer that will serve as the Applicant regarding these Regulations and will represent them in relations with Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event.
In case the Applicant is the author of the Project, and it is a case of a project co-authorship, the Applicant is required to possess settled property relations over the Project as well as an authorization of representation from other authors.
The competent law for regulation of copyrights in relation to these Regulations is the Copyright Law of the Republic of Estonia.

Each Applicant that gets chosen to participate in Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event is required to cooperate with the employees and persons of responsibility of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event during its entire course. In case the Applicant without justification violates any of his/her obligations stated in these Regulations which he/she had accepted by submitting the Application Form, Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management may disqualify the Applicant from further participation in the event.

Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event as the industry platform of the Tallinn Black Nights Festival is committed to promoting gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work and programmes. We believe that everyone should have equal opportunities to participate in our events and activities, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or other personal characteristics.

We are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment that values diversity and promotes mutual respect and understanding. We promote gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work, including the planning, organisation, and delivery of events and activities, and believe that diversity is a strength and that everyone should have equal opportunities to participate in our events and activities.

We expect all participants in our events and activities to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to refrain from any behaviour that is discriminatory, harassing, or offensive. This includes, but is not limited to, behaviour that is based on a person's gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or other personal characteristics. We will not tolerate any behaviour that violates our policy and reserve the right to take appropriate action, including expulsion from the event.

In the event the Applicant’s Project is presented at Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event, the Applicant guarantees the following:

The project will have the logo of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event accompanied by the following text in English in the closing credits: “Presented at Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event”.

The project that has won one of the awards may have additional requirements according to the Contract regulating the use of the Award, which will be concluded after the event between the winner and provider of the Award.


The official language of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event is English.

Regarding all matters not expressly settled by these Regulations, good business practices and current regulations of Estonia and its entities are to be applied. Any amendments and supplements to these Regulations shall be made by Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event management.

By submitting an Application, the Applicant agrees to all provisions of these Regulations. These Regulations come into effect on August 15, 2024.

*As an exception, projects for consideration for the Baltic Event Works in Progress category can have a sales company attached. In case of their selection, the respective project(s) will be presented for festival programming and distribution purposes. Priority in the selection will nevertheless be given to projects without a sales company attached.

Approved by Marge Liiske,
Head of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event