Creative Gate is a development center for creative industries aiming to enhance the entrepreneurial and export potential of the Estonian audiovisual industry. It offers comprehensive supportive services for film industry companies and related sectors, while promoting the growth of new creative economy enterprises.
Additionally, the development center aims to serve as a continuing education center for the audiovisual sector, attracting new individuals with an opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge to enrich the field and thus alleviate the challenges in the changing job market. The continuing education activities will develop and improve the professionalism of film industry partners’ network while contributing to establishing new creative economy enterprises.
The center enhances the development potential of companies in the creative industries and provide them with opportunities to introduce and provide services at the international arena
The center maintains and boosts the motivation of emerging talents, who have used development center’s services and/or have been involved in its activities, to express themselves as creative individuals and to develop and secure better economic prospects.
Professionals/Talents - professionals working in the audiovisual sector have a chance to introduce themselves at the international level
Locations - an overview of different film locations and databases, showcasing Estonian locations, relevant to international projects in the audiovisual sector.
Service Presentation - a database of service companies relevant to the audiovisual sector (e.g., accommodation services, catering, equipment rental, etc.).
Interested in adding your profile to the platform - read more about it here.
If you have any questions about Creative Gate, send us an e-mail to creative.gate(at)