Anna Ruohonen
Anna Ruohonen

Anna Ruohonen is a Finnish freelance writer and story editor specialising in comedy. She graduated from Aalto University/ELO Film School Helsinki in 2015 and has written and directed several short films. Anna’s first feature film Laughing matters (Naurun varjolla by Reetta Aalto, Shanghai FF, Haugesund FF, B3 Biennial) premiered in 2021. Since 2009, Anna has written extensively for Finnish TV and recently also for HBO Max. She has worked for acclaimed independent production companies (Tuffi Films, napafilms, Tekele etc.) and also for international heavyweights such as Warner Bros. Her favourites among the multiple TV-series she has written for are Venla prize nominee Losers (Luuserit, 2020), and third season of popular Downshifters (Downshiftaajat, 2020).

Professional info
Role @ film industry
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